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Are You Truly Prepared for a Major Emergency?
Most people assume disasters are rare. But in the last five years alone, we’ve
seen cyberattacks shutting down critical infrastructure, widespread power
outages, and unrest in cities worldwide.
A Parent’s 3Day Action Plan for Crisis Readiness
As a parent, your biggest responsibility is keeping your family safe.
This 3day plan gives you the critical first steps to making sure you are always
DAY 1: Home Readiness Essentials
Goal: Ensure your home is stocked and ready for at least 72 hours of self
10 Critical Items for Every Household:1️
Emergency Water Supply 3 litres per person per day. 2️
NonPerishable Food Readytoeat, long shelflife items.
3 Portable Power Source Solar charger or battery bank. 4️
First Aid Kit With trauma supplies, not just plasters! 5️
Emergency Radio Battery or handcrank for news & alerts. 6️
Cash Reserve ATMs may be offline. Small bills work best. 7️
Fire Starter Kit Matches, lighters, or fire steel. 8️
MultiTool or Knife For various survival uses.

9️ Personal Protection Personal alarm, or legal selfdefence tools.
10 Evacuation Bag Prepacked with essentials in case you must leave fast.
Quick Tip: Store supplies in an easytoaccess location. Don’t wait until
disaster hits to stock up!
DAY 2: Digital & Financial Security
Goal: Protect your family from cyber threats, scams, and financial collapse.
Step 1: Secure Your Online Identity
Enable twofactor authentication on all important accounts.
Use a password manager to create and store strong passwords.
Keep offline backups of critical documents (ID, insurance, etc.).
Step 2: Financial Safety Net
Keep at least two weeks’ worth of cash in a safe location.
If available store some gold or silver for longterm security.
Diversify: Don’t keep all your money in one bank.
Quick Tip: Print a list of emergency contacts and keep a hard copy in your
home and wallet.Goal: Stay calm, make smart decisions, and protect your family in high
stress situations.
DAY 3: Urban Survival Mindset
3 Key Mindset Shifts for Crisis Situations:
1 Avoid Panic: The first instinct in an emergency is to freeze or act irrationally.
Train yourself to pause, assess, and act logically. 2️
Situational Awareness: Know what’s always happening around you. Identify
escape routes in public places.
3 Community Over Isolation: Find likeminded individuals. In a prolonged
crisis, working together increases your survival chances.
Quick Tip: Practice emergency drills with your family. The more you
prepare, the calmer you’ll be in a real crisis.
Next Steps: Take Your Preparedness to the Next Level!
You now have a solid 3day action planbut this is just the beginning.
Want to go from novice to expert in just 3 months? Our Urban Prepper
training programme gives you an affordable, stepbystep system to:
Build a longterm survival plan tailored to urban families.
Master selfdefence, food storage, offgrid power & more.
Gain the confidence to handle any crisis like a pro.
Join ‘Urban Prepper: Novice to Expert in Three Months’ Today!
Ready to turn Worry and Uncertainty, into Confidence? Let’s Get You Fully
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